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Creation Miniseries #2

Before you do anything else... The FIRST step to any Creation

This edition of the Creation miniseries is absolutely critical to achieving the desires you want in life.

It is absolutely the first step in any Creation, yet most people skip it…

But you can’t build a building without first pouring the foundation.

The #1 reason we don’t achieve our dreams is because we have a tendency to skip step #1. Nothing else works without it.

As Napoleon Hill put it, “The starting point of all achievement is desire.”

More specifically, he said in Think and Grow Rich,

“Define your dream and get a burning desire for its achievement.” - Napoleon Hill

We’ll get to the second part later in the series. For now we’ll focus on the first part, “define your dream.”

But here’s where most of us are left in the dark:

It can’t just be ANY dream.

What kind of dream does it need to be?

Rather than tell you, we’re going to walk through it step by step and put all Practical LOA readers on the path towards achieving our first desires!

Creation 1 baby step at a time…

Here's our first Exercise:

1) Get a piece of paper and a pen.
2) Set a timer for 5 or ten minutes.

3) During those 5-10 minutes, answer this question:
“If time and money were not an object and success was absolutely guaranteed, what would you Be, Do, or Have?

4) WRITE DOWN (no computers, tablets or phones. Pen and paper.) anything that comes to mind. No limitations.
5) Go Wild. Enjoy the process. Get excited about the things you put down

When your timer rings, stop and take a break for a few minutes. Then continue on:

1) Go back and visit each item that you wrote down.
2) Next to each line item write down on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being virtually impossible and 10 being absolutely guaranteed) how likely you believe that you can have that live/have that dream in the next 6 months.

That's it for today. Remember, baby steps!
