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Being Wrong Miniseries #4

Wake up! You’re Delusional

Over the life of the Practical LOA emails, we’ve talked a lot about how our perceptions and beliefs mold our reality, especially during the Visualization Miniseries.

Today, I had the perfect example of this slap me in the face.

I was sitting at a coffee shop enjoying my tea and planning the Starting from $0 miniseries when a guy sat down next to me and said,

"Mark Zuckerberg is watching you. Shut your laptop."

Amused, I listened on.

He was convinced that Facebook was spying on all of us and secretly recording our conversations.

Ok, he was obviously a bit paranoid and delusional. Mark Zuckerberg is not "spying" on us. Sure, his company is collecting data on us. But to say the he, Mark Zuckerberg, PERSONALLY is SPYING on us…

Especially when I wasn’t on Facebook. My browser wasn’t even open...

But the interesting thing is that ALL of us DO have multiple delusional beliefs and rules.

Have you ever wondered just how much of what we believe about the world is actually true? How much of what we believe about ourselves is true? And what are simply DELUSIONS we've picked up from culture, media, teachers, parents…

We all take on beliefs on love, relationships, money, success, health.

And these beliefs determine what we experience in those areas.

But are they true?

Or are they merely delusional ideas we adopted as children and stubbornly cling onto into adulthood?

Without even realizing, everyone gets stuck in rinse-and-repeat behaviors because of limiting beliefs they picked up as a child.

And by stubbornly holding on to these ideas, we severely limit our true potential and success.

For example, one DELUSIONAL idea that definitely held me back in high school was that I could only find one girl attractive at a time…

Can you imagine? An entire school full of girls… and I was only allowed to like one of them.

How far back did that hold me? Well, I didn’t go on my first date or have my first kiss until I was 22… There are elementary school boys who have me beat in that department.

All because I had delusional ideas in my head.

Take a few minutes today with a notepad and pen and write down all the beliefs that you can think of about love, relationships, health, money, or any other challenging area in your life.

Also write down what makes you personally successful or unsuccessful in anything you do.

Then go down each one and think about what if that belief was just a delusion. What if it wasn’t true? How would this belief limit your success?

Then decide if each one is a delusion or valid belief.

Drop me an email with some of the delusions you realized you had. Now go slay those demons!
