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Emotions Miniseries #10

I wish someone had shared THIS with me...

I’ve spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and tens of thousands of hours consuming and digesting LOA material and studying success and achievement.

I’ve read books, listened to audios, watched videos, attended workshops and seminars, joined masterminds, rose up the ranks of societies, developed personal relationships with mentors and gurus.

I’ve done it all.

I’m going to share something with you today.

It’s something that despite all I’ve done, I’ve NEVER seen or heard anyone talk about before…

But it’s absolutely CRITICAL to becoming a powerful Creator and manifestor.

There are many comparisons and defining features that set Humans apart from other forms of life. Some identify intelligence. Some say language. Some point out dance and music. At the beginning of the Emotions Miniseries, we identified complexity of emotion.

Here’s one you may never have thought about: humans are the most powerful manifestors on Earth.

What makes us such powerful manifestors?

1) An unlimited capacity for preference
2) Infinite Imagination
3) Extremely wide emotional breadth and depth

It’s the last one that we’ve been exploring for over a week now. One of our main takeaways has been not to fear our emotions, but to be in touch with them and find the message behind them.

And here’s the first half of the secret that I wish someone had told me:

If you run from your emotions, if you submerge them, if you fail to get listen to their message and adjust your path, you will never manifest anything you want.

Without your Emotional Guidance System, you lose your direction. What manifests instead is what has been programmed into you by default…

And if you’re just manifesting what’s been programmed into you, you’re stuck Creating what others have determined rather than what you’ve chosen…

In other words, you’ve stripped yourself of your own free will.

I know because I spent years of my life emotionally dead and numb, as you all know from the story of the darkest period of my life. And as long as I was there, I was stuck climbing someone else’s mountain.

It wasn’t until I started examining myself and listening to the messages inside my emotions that I began to Create the life of my own choosing.

So the first half of the secret I wish someone had told me is this:

You cannot Create what you want unless you experience and listen to your emotions.

Tomorrow, I’ll give you the second half. And with the two pieces together, you’ll begin to unlock your potential as a member of the most powerful manifestors on Earth.

Until then, are there any emotions you’re hiding from? Some message that you are ignoring?

Take a look at it and find the precious gem inside.
