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Emotions Miniseries #11

If only I had known... [Part 2]

Have you ever struggled to get or learn something, finally got it, then turned around and wished someone had told you something?

If you had only known XYZ, then you would have been saved a lot of bother?

Yesterday, the Practical LOA family got a taste of just such a tidbit…

But I purposefully saved the really juicy morsel for today.

It’s going to be one of those things that will profoundly affect your ability to Create the life of your dreams.

Some of you will be able to use it right away. But some will have to go on a small journey first – a journey that will be completely worth the trip.

If today I handed everyone a bicycle. Some of you would hop on it right away and go off on a pleasant bike ride. But if you’ve never learned to ride a bicycle before, you’d have to take a little time to learn.

The bicycle would still be valuable to you. It would still have the potential to take you on a wonderful ride. But you’d have to do a little growing and developing to fully utilize it first.

So, whether Part 2 is something that you can personally use right away, or it’s a revelation to you of something you need to develop, read carefully.

It will mean the difference between struggle and slow Creations/manifestations, and Creation that comes easily and with fun.

In Emotions Miniseries 10, I revealed part 1 of what I wish I had learned earlier: If you run from your emotions, you will never manifest what you want. You will only manifest what has been programmed into you.

There are 3 things that I’ve identified that make Humans powerful manifestors: an unlimited capacity for preference, infinite imagination, and emotional depth and breadth.

That means if you, personally, want to be a powerful manifestor you must be willing to go out and experience things and discover your preferences. We must go out and experience new things and open ourselves to new possibilities.

We must exercise our imaginations. Often times we stop using imaginations when we grow into adulthood. To be a powerful manifestor, we must learn to play and learn to imagine again. Every day.

And that brings us to the secret was never part of any training I did, despite enormous time, effort, and money I put into it – the secret that had I known it, would have lopped years of struggle off my journey.

In order to manifest powerfully and easily, we need to develop a deep and rich emotional vocabulary.

This is particularly important if you’re a man. Most cultures and societies encourage men to be “tough” and not to express emotion. Unfortunately, this tends to develop emotional numbness rather than emotional resilience.

Women tend to be more in touch with their emotions and have a larger vocabulary. But, they too, are often discouraged from the full expression of their emotions.

Sometimes it’s by parents who want their children to be “well-behaved” and proper.

Sometimes it’s by schools who want all the children to do the same thing at the same time.

Sometimes it’s by friends or relationship partners who are emotionally stunted and don’t understand emotional expression and discourage expression in front of them.

How many of us have had a father, a friend, a brother, a boyfriend, a husband who got annoyed or angry the second we started to cry or show any sort of emotion?

It happened because they didn’t understand the emotion, didn’t know how to handle it, and were unwilling to face it. They had a small emotional vocabulary.

It probably consisted entirely of “good” and “bad.” That feels good. That feels bad. Joy, fun, excitement, content, awe… there’s no difference between them. They’re just “good.”

I know because that’s how I used to be.

I personally had to spend a lot of time getting back in touch with my emotions. I still have to work on it constantly.

And that means expanding my emotional vocabulary. Not only the words, but the actual feelingsthe phenomenology - that the words represent.

The more emotion words we know, and the more feelings (phenomenology) we can attach to them, the more sensitive we become to them and the more capable we become of expressing them.

Remember, emotions are the rocket fuel that powers the Law of Attraction. And they are the guidance system that tells you if you’re on the right path.

A rich emotional vocabulary allows you to accurately read the guidance system and ignite the rocket fuel, making Creating and manifesting fun and easy.

The poorer your emotional vocabulary, the more stuck you are. The more likely you are to simply manifest what you are programmed with instead of what you want.

I have an excellent example of this and criminals and prisoners. But, this edition is long enough and I think you get the idea.

I wish someone had told me to develop my emotional vocabulary, and how wonderful life becomes when you do so.

No one ever did it for me. But now I’m doing it for you.

Your relationships will become stronger and deeper. Your Creation and manifestation will come more quickly and easily. And life will just get better than you ever knew was possible, plain and simple.

Develop your emotional vocabulary. Some day you’ll thank me for it.
