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Emotions Miniseries #5

What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You!

Hey guys,

I hope you had a great day yesterday. When we last left off, we posed the question: Do we really know what emotions are?

Emotions can be incredibly complicated. While they are not unique to humans, we seem to be able to experience a depth and complexity that far outstrips any other species on the planet.

Our emotional experiences are one of the defining factors of humanity.

With something as intricate and involved as human emotion, no one can truly claim to fully understand them. They spring forth from our spirits and our heart. As such, they will never be fully understood by the limited intelligence of our conscious minds.

But there are some things we do know about them. So let’s take a look…

In both psychology and philosophy, emotions are a conscious and subjective experience. But while emotions are experienced consciously, they actually originate unconsciously.

This is important because sometimes we are not aware of our emotions. And even when we are, we do not necessarily why or the impact they have on our path and decisions.

And this is precisely why they are important to the Law of Attraction.

Left unaware, we often react to the situations in front of us, relying on emotional memory to choose the path we take rather than consciously doing so.

Remember, our thoughts determine our decisions. Our decisions determine our actions. And our actions determine whether we move closer to or further away from our desires.

There are 3 main parts to an emotional experience (not the emotion itself which is unconscious in origin, but the emotional experience which is undergone consciously).

Expression The physiological and biological effects that are visible to an outside observer, including chemical testing External
Phenomenology The word psychologists use to describe what is experienced and felt by the individual generating the emotion Internal
Interpretation The subjective aspect of emotion and conclusions drawn from the experience. Internal

In the next part of the Emotions Miniseries, we’ll explore each aspect and what it means to the realization of your desires and Intention.

Until next time, may the phenomenology of your day’s experiences be pleasing and joyful!
