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Energy Clearing Miniseries #3

The Levels of Energy that Rule our Lives

"Qi is the basis of life. Everything in the
Universe changes and develops thanks to qi."

- Zhang Jingyue, legendary Ming Dynasty physician,
from “Jingyue’s Complete Works”

What is energy? Or at least the type of energy we’re talking about when it comes to energy clearing?

It has been called qi, ki, prana, mana, huna, life energy, source energy, god energy, vital force, spirit energy and countless other terms in cultures throughout history. In most literature today, the terms “life energy” or “vital force” are used.

For the sake of clarity, I’m going to call it “qi” from here on out.

Through examination of religion, science, and philosophy (that will have to wait for a whole other miniseries), we can see that qi is indeed a type of energy. It is the energy that permeates the entire universe and is a part of all things.

Since energy and matter are two forms of the same thing, all things have a physical form and an energetic form.

A simple way to understand qi is as the energetic form of everything.

And, as a Practical LOA student, you’re probably asking “How does this information help improve my life? How is it practical?”

In order to turn this into useful knowledge, we must break it down into more digestible chunks.

In much the same way electromagnetic energy is broken up into radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, and gamma rays, it is useful for us to categorize different types of qi.

Qi can be separated into the following categories:
Universal Qi Chinese classic texts often deal with qi on the universal level. A good example is the Yijing (I Ching), the Chinese Book of Changes.
Celestial and Terrestrial Qi This is the qi of ley lines, the Ether, and both Eastern and Western astrology, geomancy, and the most common forms of fortune-telling.
Environmental Qi The qi in arts such as fengshui. It is the energy we feel when we go to places like great mountain ranges and the ocean.
Life Qi The qi in all living beings.

So, when we discuss energy clearing, we need to know which level we’re referring to.

Trying to influence energy at the Universal level or Celestial/Terrestrial level would be like change the orbit of the sun through the galaxy or trying to change the tides or the winds.

So, usually it’s either at the Environmental level or at the Life level. As we go through the series, we’ll take a look at both.

As you go through the weekend take notice how different places feel. Our bedroom feels different than the rest of the home. Home feels different than the library. The library feels different than the restaurant. The restaurant feels different than the office or school.

Take notice of these subtle differences and you’ll start to get a feel for qi at the Environmental level.

Enjoy the remaining part of your weekend!