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Energy Clearing Miniseries #4

Meet your Energetic Senses

We’re all familiar with our 5 physical senses. We use them all day every day. But what about our energetic senses?

If we’re going to be clearing energy, we’ll need to be able to detect where energy needs to be cleared and that we’ve actually gotten a result after the clearing.

And that means developing our energetic senses.

Why do we even need to develop our energetic senses? Aren’t we just born with them, like our sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell?

Yes. Unfortunately, however, most of have learned since childhood to ignore our energetic senses. And like anything else, that which does not get used atrophies.

If we blindfolded ourselves and never took it off for a year, when we take the blindfold off we’d find that our eyesight significantly worsened. There are a lot of reasons for this:

The exact same thing has happened to our energetic senses. Because we began to ignore them since we were children and haven’t used them since, they’ve become weaker.

But not to worry. We can reawaken them and strengthen them. It just may take some time after a lifetime of neglect.

For every physical sense, there is an energetic sense. You have physical sight and energetic sight. You have physical hearing and energetic hearing. You have physical and energetic touch, taste, and smell.

Let’s take a look at what the physical senses do and that will help us get a better picture of our energetic senses.

Sight detects intensity and frequencies of light
Hearing detects intensity and frequencies of sound
Touch detects physical structures
detects intensity and frequencies of energies such as heat and sound
detects density of both physical and energetic
Taste detects chemical makeup and physical structure at the molecular level
Smell detects chemical makeup and physical structure at the molecular level

Take a look at touch. It is an interesting bridge between the physical and energetic worlds. This is why people often have an easier time detecting energy through “feeling” over any with any other sense. It is often the first sense to awaken.

Now take a look at sight and hearing. These senses actually detect energy. That’s all they’re attuned to. Most of us, however, miss the subtle energetic details.

But because they’re specifically designed to detect energy, these are usually quick to develop as well. After feeling, the most common sense to awaken is “seeing” energy. And many people hear things, like voices, at the energetic level.

The energetic senses of taste and smell are much more difficult to wake up because they are more attuned to the physical realm, but it is possible.

A hound that can smell a body beneath 10 feet of water from miles away processes that information at an energetic level. And while that’s a hound and not a human, it shows the potential.

Recall from the Visualization Miniseries that we process the least amount of information through taste and smell. We have the least bandwidth in those senses. So it takes more skill and development to glean energetic information from them.

Pick a sense. It will probably be sight our touch. Start paying attention to things in exquisite detail using that sense. Every bit of minutiae.

Stare at an object for 10 minutes and process every detail. You’ll start to notice things you never noticed before. You may see an extra layer or outline to it.

Feel your environment or an object for 10 minutes and get to know every millimeter of its surface. One thing I always do is pick out the key I want while without looking, when my keys are still in my pocket.

If you want to develop your sense of energetic touch, an excellent place is to start is to learn to read Braille. It will train you for a high level of detail.

Ok guys. Pick a sense and start noticing everything you can.

May you never see, hear, feel, taste, or smell the world the same way again!