Energy Clearing Miniseries #7
Clearing your Energy through your Senses: Sound
In Energy Clearing miniseries #6, we learned that we gather energy in multiple ways. One of those ways is through our physical and energetic senses.
Out of the 5 senses, our sense of sight and sense of sound are the most finely tuned to directly detect energy. So it is natural to for us to begin there with our Energy Clearing exercises.
In the Visualization miniseries, we already discovered that the less information our brains process through a sense, the higher impact that sense has on us when something triggers our attention. That is true emotionally as well as energetically.
That’s why music has the ability to powerfully move us emotionally, deeply ingrain itself in our memory, and completely make or break our experience at a movie or television show.
Since we only process 100,000 bits per second through sound (of the 11.21 millions bits per second we are capable of processing), sound can have a huge impact on our energy flow.
We’re going to utilize that fact to help us clear our energy
The clearing power of sounds has long been known. Sound tools have developed through history to harness its power to clear energy. Probably the most familiar of those tools are Tibetan Singing Bowls and, more recently, tuning forks.
But I want us to be able to take advantage of the power of sounds to clear energy with tools we already have access to.
The Chakras are powerful energy centers in our body where we flow energy in and out. They serve as gateways between our energetic bodies (Auras) and the energy that flows within us through our meridians.
These can often get clogged up or closed. And sounds are one of the most powerful ways of clearing them out.
I’ve prepared a table below with the sounds associated with each chakra that will help clear them out. All you have to do is listen to that tone, closing your eyes and taking long, deep breaths into your belly for a few minutes.
Music that you like in the key of C will work, too, but using the pure tones will help focus on specific chakras and placed sustained energy on them rather than jumping around and around.
If you focus the sun through a magnifying glass and move it around and around, you’ll heat a few things up. But if you hold it in one place, you can start a raging inferno…
The frequencies in the table are set to the 4th octave. That’s the octave that Middle C is in and generally the octave that most musical instruments are tuned to. That way if you have access to a musical instrument, you can play the notes on it.
If not, you can download a free tone generator app onto your cell phone or tablet, or visit and use theirs for free.
Many people find lower tones more pleasant, so I’ve given you the frequencies for the 2nd and 3rd octaves as well. If you prefer a different octave, just keep dividing or multiplying by 2 until you find the octave that you enjoy the most.
Chakra |
Note |
Solfège |
4th Octave Frequency (Hz) |
3rd Octave Frequency (Hz) |
2nd Octave Frequency (Hz) |
Crown |
B |
(Ti) |
493.8800 |
246.9400 |
123.4700 |
Brow |
A |
(La) |
440.0000 |
220.0000 |
110.0000 |
Throat |
G |
(Sol) |
392.0000 |
196.0000 |
98.0000 |
Heart |
F |
(Fa) |
349.2300 |
174.6150 |
87.3075 |
Solar Plexus |
E |
(Mi) |
329.6300 |
164.8150 |
82.4075 |
Sacral |
D |
(Re) |
293.6600 |
146.8300 |
73.4150 |
Root |
C |
(Do) |
261.6300 |
130.8150 |
65.4075 |
I also found this beautiful visual image of the same concept on this blog post (I didn’t read the article, so I can’t attest to its quality):

Enjoy! May you feel clearer and brighter!