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Money Miniseries #1

Money is Energy

I’ve received a number of questions regarding money recently. It’s a hot topic among students of LOA and it seems that the Practical LOA family is no exception in that regard!

“Ask, and it shall be given you;
Seek, and ye shall find;
Knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

For everyone that asketh receiveth;
And he that seeketh findeth;
And to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”
-Matthew 7:7

Well, you have asked and now it shall be given you!

Today we start a new miniseries; this time on money.

And we’re going to start out by finding a new understanding of what money is.

In the vibration miniseries, we learned that Einstein gave us the Master Key to unlocking the secrets of the Laws of Creation, Intention, Attraction, and Motion. That same key, e=mc2, will help us unlock the secrets to money.

The main takeaway from Einstein and e=mc2, was that everything has an energetic form and a physical form…

Including money!

This may be a bit difficult to grasp because we certainly weren’t taught to think of money as energy. We aren’t used to thinking of anything in terms of their energetic form, let alone money.

This is where my days trading in the Capital Markets are going to come in handy!

Bear with me. I’ll make this as simple as possible. But you’ll want to follow me because we’re going to arrive at a pretty astounding conclusion here.

Economists have several definitions for money, but the ones we’re concerned about for now are M4 and M1 money supply.

The simplest way to think about these is that M4 is all the monetary worth of a nation. M1 is all the physical bills and coins that are in circulation or in vaults. It’s all the cash that exists.

According to the US Federal Reserve, the US M1 supply, all the cash in existence, as of October 1, 2014 was $1.29 Trillion.

No one knows for sure what the M4 supply is since the Federal Reserve stopped reporting it in 2006. But based on my research and my experience on probably the most intimately tied trading desk to Fed in the world, there are about $78 Trillion in the M4 money supply.

Simple research shows a similar ratio of M4 to M1 supply in Europe and other nations.

What that means is probably about 98% of all the currency in the world doesn’t even exist as physical cash and coins.

So where is it? How does it exist?

It exists in computers. As bytes and bits stored in computers, flying through cyberspace. It exists electronically.

In other words…

It exists purely as an idea, or as energy.

More than 98% of all the money in the world exists physically. Doesn’t it seem silly to only to understand it in its physical form? What about it’s energetic form?

That’s exactly what our next email in the Money Miniseries will be about…

The Energy of Money.

It’s a very specific energy.

And it’s another one of those things you hear the LOA Gurus talk about all the time, but the meaning gets lost on us because of the lack of clarity.

Aren’t you lucky that you’re part of the Practical LOA family! =) Stay tuned for tomorrow’s topic: The Energy of Money.
