Money Miniseries #2
The Sole purpose of Money
As we know from Money Miniseries #1, money is simply another form of energy. It is energy that passes from one hand to the other. It’s always in the process of moving, changing hands, flowing from one place to another.
But it’s a very particular type of energy. Until we understand the nature of it, we will always find it elusive.
So, I’m going to express it the Practical LOA family as simply as I can. Then we can explore some of the nuances later in the Money Miniseries.
The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.
It’s the energy of appreciation. It’s the energy of “thank you.”
Let me explain:
When I spend money to buy a car, it’s my way of expressing my appreciation for someone’s beautiful creative energies. Appreciation for the beautiful design. Appreciation for the engineers and workers who put together this fine machine that serves me.
The people who Created the car – the company, the engineers, the designers, the workers – all of them used their Creative talents to serve others.
When they do so, do they make money? Do they make a profit?
Of course. And they should.
They take that profit and invest it to make other beautiful things to serve even more people. Those things become finer and finer and more and more beautiful. Overall since their invention, cars have become more and more efficient, more and more beautiful, more and more functional and useful.
So when I give my money in exchange for the car, I am just passing this energy of appreciation around.
I love to spend money because I don’t view it as spending. Each time I spend money, I express my gratitude and keep the flow going of appreciation going.
When I give the money, I am saying “I appreciate the work you did.” They take the money and go to a grocery store or a restaurant and give them some of that money. They are saying “thank you, I really appreciate the goods and services you provide me. I bless this and I give you my money.”
This opens the flow to the energy of money and opens the pathway to receive more.
When I spend money, physically it disappears. But remember, less than 2% of all money is physical. The rest is energy. As long as I am open to receive and I allow the flow of energy, that money will come back to me multiplied.
If you really understand that the sole purpose of money is to express appreciation, you’ll have more and more of it. As long as your appreciation doesn’t run dry.
How does understanding the energetic nature of money, specifically it’s quality of appreciation, help you get more of it?
We’ll go into that in tomorrow’s newsletter: The Yin and the Yang of Money.
Until then, every time you open your wallet and see money inside, don’t count how much money you have. Count how much ability you have to express your appreciation and gratitude. Count how many blessings you can bestow in appreciation of value others provide you.
May you never see money the same!