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Money Miniseries #3

The Yin and Yang of Money

All energy must flow. When energy doesn’t flow it stagnates.

And because money is energy, it too must flow.

Just like your Life Qi must flow through your body to be healthy (Chinese medicine and Qigong). Environmental Qi must flow through buildings, rooms, and spaces (Feng Shui). Cellestial and Terrestrial Qi must flow through the planets and stars (Geomancy, Astrology). And Universal Qi must flow from Heaven down through you to the Earth and from the Earth up through you to the Heavens (Creation)

More on that in the future…

Money is energy that passes from one hand to another. It’s always changing hands – energy flowing from one place to another.

In Money Miniseries #2 we learned that the sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.

But as with all things, there is a Yin and Yang to it. There is the physical nature of it and the energetic. There is the dark side to it and the light.

The dark side of money comes out when we our default way of thinking about money is its physical nature. When we think of money as physical, it becomes limited which leads to hording and greed. The light side of money appears when we think of it and use it as energy by default. When we think about the energetic nature of money, then it becomes unlimited and abundant. Our focus shifts to flowing money rather than collecting money.
Rather than focusing on appreciation, the focus becomes on collecting more. When money is physical, the more I spend, the less I have. And the more I horde, the more I have. Thinking about the flow of money focuses on the expression of appreciation like we talked about in Money Miniseries #2.
No matter how you sugar coat it, fundamentally it comes down to how can I convince, coerced, trick, or forcibly take money from others. When freely given, money is an expression of appreciation. It introduces flow. The more I give the more I get. All vacuums are filled and refilled.
Without the energy of appreciation, money just becomes greed and a bauble to horde. When you cling to the material trinkets, you stop the flow of energy and appreciation When you focus on the flow, the relevant questions become:
  • What is out there in the world that I can express my appreciation for?
  • What can I offer to the world so that others express their appreciation for me?
  • What about me is worth appreciating?
  • What can I do that others would appreciate me for?

So… Money can be the energy of greed or it can be the energy of appreciation.

As long as you operate from its physical nature and the energy of greed, you will never be happy. Just like when I was in capital markets. You may be able to collect enough trinkets and horde enough stuff to have an abundance of stuff, but you will never be rich.

In 2007, there were plenty of people who have amazing homes and luxury cars. They have expensive watches and fancy clothes. They had an abundance of stuff.

But they didn’t have a healthy flow of money. More money went out than came in. They owed more than they had collected. And so they lost their homes and cars and lifestyles.

That is the difference between the physical, hording nature of money and the energetic, flowing nature of money.

Knowing this, everyone in the Practical LOA family is now forbidden to say or think that they want more money.

Say and think that you want more flow of money.

Have you been operating on the energetic nature of money or the physical nature of money? Out of appreciation or greed?

Make the commitment to shift the way you think about money from physical to energetic. Increase the flow of money in your life and to use money as an expression of gratitude and appreciation.

Do this, and I know your relationship with money will radically change.
