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Visualization Miniseries #3

Gateway to the Power of your Unconscious

In Visualization Miniseries #2, we learned about the Reticular Activating System (RAS). The RAS is important to achievement and Creating the life we want, because it is our gateway to the unconscious mind.

When things happen in real life, they happen suddenly and quickly. Events don’t pause and wait for us to think about and analyze everything.

Because of this, we react unconsciously long before our conscious minds can process what is happening.

Physiologists and Information Scientists estimate the following information transmission rates of the senses:

Sensory System         bits per second
Sight 10,000,000
Touch 1,000,000
Sound 100,000
Smell 100,000
Taste 1,000

That means our unconscious minds are taking in and processing over 11.2 million pieces of information every second from our external environment alone. (Our unconscious minds are also responsible for millions of processes within our bodies at the same time).

By comparison, our conscious minds cap out at a dismal 50 bits per second.

There is about a half second delay to compress the 11 million bits of information taken in down to the 50 that our conscious mind can process. So when things happen in real life, there is a half second delay before we can even think about doing something about it.

However, our unconscious minds act immediately, responding in less than a 1/10 of a second.

There are two very important consequences of this that we need to be aware of when purposefully Creating our lives:

First, we act from our unconscious minds far before we act consciously.

Second, thousands and thousands of decisions are being made everyday in our unconscious minds where we are completely unaware of them.

Suddenly, it becomes very clear why the unconscious mind is so important to our success and determining whether or not we get what we desire in life!

Our unconscious minds operate from a set of programs. Most of these are designed to help the unconscious carry out one of its most important functions: to keep us safe from danger.

Some of these programs are instinctual, programmed in by nature when we were conceived.

But many of them are learned “dangers,” programmed in by childhood experiences, authority figures, school, media, society, and other inputs.

Unfortunately, not all of these programs are good or based on a sound premise. Others were relevant when we were children, but no longer relevant today.

So, one of the keys to Creating the life of our dreams is accessing the unconscious, placing in beneficial programs and removing limiting ones.

In the next edition, we’ll go over how visualization accomplishes these important tasks.

Until then, may you have new-found respect for your incredible unconscious intelligence!
