Visualization Miniseries #8
Effective Visualization: Step by Step
In yesterday’s Visualization Miniseries #7, you learned how Michael Phelps visualizes. Phelps has 22 Olympic Medals, 18 of which are gold, more than any person in history.
So if you missed it, you’ll definitely want to go back and learn the keys to his visualization success.
In this edition, we’re going fill in the gaps and go over step by step exactly what goes into an effective visualization.
So take a deep breath, flip on your imagination, and get ready to visualize!
We’ve already gone over the benefits and Why we visualize. So we’re just going to jump right in with the How to.
1) Close your eyes
With our minds processing over 11 million bits of information every second, our sight is the strongest of our senses for most of us. It anchors us powerfully into physical reality and our external worlds.
Visualization, however, is an internal process. Essentially, we are creating a new world in our minds. So we need to break as many connections with the external world as we can in order to get fully engrossed into our internal world.
2) Determine the scene that you will create and play in your mind
Decide the events that you will visualize from start to end. For a race, like in Michael Phelps’ case, that is easy. But what success do you want to visualize? Pick an appropriate start scene and end scene.
3) Imagine the beginning scene thoroughly
Place yourself in at the beginning and begin adding detail before you play out the events in your head. Add in an extreme amount of details – more details that you would normally notice consciously in real life.
4) Evoke each of the senses
One by one, activate each of your senses in the opening scene. Go in order of sensory sensitivity. Add in all the visual details you can think of. Then the touch sensations. Then sounds and smells. Then tastes.
Even if you normally wouldn’t taste anything in the scenario, add in a taste. Pop mint in your mouth or take a sip of coffee. As we talked about in Visualization Miniseries #6, taste evokes feelings and emotions more powerfully than any other sense.
5) Activate your emotions and feelings
Evoking your senses should have already kick started this process. Go through and add in the emotions and feelings that you want, rather than the ones that may have been triggered.
If I am picturing walking on stage in front of 10,000 people, then at this moment in the visualization I may naturally be feeling nervous. I’m going to override this nervousness with something that I want to feel while on stage – perhaps confidence, joy, and gratitude.
This is a critical step. We must feel and emote, choosing the feelings that we want to have rather than what’s been programmed into us in the past.
6) Make it as real as possible.
Make it so real that your body actually responds to the scene playing out in your mind. Your subconscious cannot tell the difference between reality and effective imagination. If you’re doing visualization right, your heart will race, your breathing will change, your blood pressure will go up and down depending on the scene playing out in your mind.
Once while observing my mentor and extremely powerful healer, Dr. Ondre Seltzer, he warned a patient that there was a woman in his life who needed help, but was ultimately an unhealthy relationship for him.
Ondre could feel her presence, hear her voice. He could pick up her name and the color of her hair. She seemed to be in trouble, however, because she was hidden. Although he could sense her, he could not see her.
After a line of questioning, it turned out that the woman was a character in a novel that the patient was writing. His Creation and visualization of her was so powerful, that it created an observable energy and entity. To the extent that she could be sensed, heard – everything but seen.
THAT is a powerful visualization. I have no doubt that when the novel comes out it will be an instant bestseller.
7) Once you have all the senses and feelings activated, play out the entire sequence start to end in your mind.
8) Play the sequence over and over
Remember, visualization is there for your practice and to activate your Reticular Activating System.
Play the sequence both from the first person and from third person. As Phelps’s coach said, “He will see it exactly like he’s sitting in the stands, and he’ll see it like he’s in the water.”
9) Vary the sequence.
This is where most programs on visualization fail.
Rather than picture the exact same sequence over and over, throw in some challenges that may pop up and your ideal responses to them. Picture every conceivable scenario where things don’t go perfectly.
Remember, visualization is practice. The more variations we practice, the less likely we will have to improvise in real life. We can simply pick the response that matches the scenario that actually occurred.
That way we don’t have to worry about adapting and can simply concentrate on being our best in the present moment.
Bonus tips:
* Visualize every day. Multiple times a day if you can.
** Exercise your imagination. The best way I know of to do this is to read imaginative books with scenes and events. Fiction is excellent. I tend toward biographies and autobiographies because the events and scenarios are from real life rather than imagined
Now you know the steps to effective visualization. Fill in the gaps in your current visualization. Practice the perfect scenario over and over, but also vary it up with different challenges and your responses to them.
Go forth and enjoy the premonition of your life to come!