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Visualization Miniseries #9

Should it even be called "Visualization?"

Visualization isn’t about the visuals at all.

Surprised? You shouldn’t be after Visualization Miniseries #8, where we discovered that the most important part of visualization isn’t seeing images, but emoting and projecting feeling.

We also learned that while our senses are powerful tools in evoking emotions and feelings, Sight isn’t even the most important one in this process.

Despite the fact that our minds are capable of processing 10 times more information via Sight than even the next most sensitive physical sense, it has far less impact on our feelings and emotions.

That’s because if you are one detail in a sea of 11 million, you need to stand out far more in order to make the same impact as a detail that is among a puddle of 1 thousand.

So a taste that catches our notice makes a much deeper impression than an image that does the same.

Not convinced? Try this (btw, this is an excellent way to exercise your imagination, so go ahead and add it to your list of bonus tips from Visualization Miniseries #8):

Try listening to your favorite TV show without watching the pictures on the screen.

I used to do this all the time in high school while I was driving. For some reason the Fox Channel was broadcast on radio at 88.6 FM in my town.

You may be surprised to find that you still know everything that’s happening and that all the emotion and anticipation is preserved. Very little is lost. It’s still very entertaining.

When you go back and watch the show normally, you’ll find that the show that played in your head was nearly identical to what is being played on the TV screen!

By contrast, try watching your favorite TV show with the sound off. Very soon, you’ll have no clue what’s happening and get bored.

A famous director once explained the same thing to me about movies: “You can have the most amazing visuals, you can spend millions on fancy special effects and cinematography. It’s all wasted if you have terrible sound.

No one will watch if you have amazing visuals and terrible sound. But people will still watch if you have terrible visuals and excellent sound.”

The next time you visualize, add in all the images. But really anchor yourself into it by adding all the senses as well.

Your visualizations will become far more powerful and effective.

To the amazing things that are entering your life!