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Dear Practical LOA #1

LOA: Too limiting?

Every day, members of the Practical LOA family email me with their questions and stories. Reading and replying to them is one of the very first things I do every morning, right after exercising my spirit, mind, and body.

Every once in a while, I get a question that really probes at the very foundation of what we study here in the family. Usually, when one person has this type of question, a huge percentage of the family does.

I got one of those questions this morning. So in lieu of our Vibration Miniseries, today we’re going to have a little “Dear Abby” session. Let’s call it “Dear Practical LOA.”

Today’s question comes from Claude of France. Completely paraphrasing, the questions we’re answering are:
  • Why do LOA teachers poo poo the past? Isn’t the present an important result of the past? Why only focus on the future?

  • In LOA circles, they talk about persistence, maintaining your target, and “doing whatever it takes.” Why can’t I change my target?

  • Why should I have to focus on only 1 thing at a time? Isn’t that limiting? Why can’t I focus on two or more things with the same strength? Thinking on several things is bigger than thinking on only one thing isn’t it?

If these or similar questions plague you, too, read on to the first official Dear Practical LOA.

Hi Claude,

I will try to clear up some confusion for you.

Let's say you desire to travel somewhere. You take out a map or go online and bring one up. This map represents a huge abundance of possibilities. With this map you can go anywhere.

But... before you can go anywhere, you need to know 2 things first:
1) Where you want to go
2) Where you are

If you don't know where you want to go, then you just end up wandering around looking at this and that. It could be fun, it could be miserable. Who knows? You have no direction and so you just float about never going anywhere in particular.

If you know where you want to go, but don't know where you are, well you can't even begin your journey.

You have no clue what your first step should be. Should you go north or south? East or west? The map is useless to you if you don't know where you are.

People who don't know where they are feel "stuck" and frustrated.

Notice that there is no #3 - there is no “Where you have been.”

If I am in Normandy and want to go to Paris, it doesn't matter that last year I was in Bordeaux.

However, #3 appears and becomes important when you don't know #2.

The past is helpful in helping you determine where you are. LOA people tend to discount it because they assume that you already know where you are and what your current situation is.

But the reality is you may not. You may have been very good at hiding your situation from yourself or turning a blind eye to your challenges.

I know that when I was deeply in debt, I never wanted to look at my bills or accounts. I never wanted to see where I was. But until I did so, it was impossible for me to start my journey towards abundance.

LOA teachers tend to avoid the past because that is where a lot of limiting beliefs tend to live. If we wallow in the past, we get stuck in it and never go anywhere just as if we never know where we currently are. So focusing on the past can be detrimental to Creating what you want in life.

But, the past can also be a source fond memories and of great motivation.

Most of the world's wealthiest people, for example, are driven by a fear of poverty. Somewhere in their past, they experienced what it was like to be poor and it stuck into their emotional memory.

It became a driving force for them, so even when they have hundreds of millions or billions, they are still driven forward to Create even more.

So the past can be a powerful motivator, but for people at the beginning of their journey, it is usually where their limiting beliefs live.

Once you have 1) Where you want to be and 2) Where you currently are, you can begin your journey. At any moment in time, you can certainly change #1 (Where you want to be). That is your prerogative as a conscious, creative, and intelligent being.

You may get half way there and decided you don't want to go there anymore.

That's perfectly fine. As long as you DECIDED that and didn't simply give up because the hill was too steep, or the weather was too cold.

Actually it is fine if you do change where you want to be because of those things, but the moment you do that you begin to shrink. You begin to tell your spirit that these things are bigger than you and you cannot overcome them.

If you make a habit of doing that, one day the mere sight of a hill or light drizzle will stop you in your tracks and cause you to choose a new #1.

But if you consciously decide to go somewhere else, that is fine.

As for focusing on only 1 thing at a time, it simply means this: Let's say you want two things at the same time and you want to focus on both of them.

Let's say you are in Bordeaux, one of the things you want is in Paris, and the other is in Monaco. You are focusing on both at the same time.

So you go 5 km towards Paris. Then 3km towards Monaco. Then 6 km towards Paris and 10 km towards Monaco. You keep heading towards both at the same time...

You'll never get to Paris and you'll never get to Monaco. The best you will do is get somewhere in between Paris and Monaco like Lyon.

But, what if you are in Bordeaux, one of the things you want is in Paris, and the other is in Orleans?

In other words, the two things that you want are related to each other and part of the same greater goal? Well, then by all means, focus on both.

Each step you take towards Orleans takes you closer towards Paris. Each step towards Paris takes you towards Orleans. Until finally, you reach Orleans and get what you want. Then continue your trek directly towards Paris to get the second thing that you want.

This is why we focus on Intention, not only Desire. During your third week with the Practical LOA family you will/did receive the Alignment Miniseries.

In it, I explain that Intention is multi-dimensional. It encompasses every single desire that you have in every single aspect of your life.

I also give an Intention Alignment exercise. I encourage you to go through it when it arrives. That way, no matter what desire you focus on, you are also moving towards your Intention.

Thanks for your questions!
