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Dear Practical LOA #3

Dear PLOA: What’s with all these techniques?

Today’s Dear Practical LOA comes from China. With all the different methods of “vibrating,” it can be confusing where to start.

“What’s the difference between visualization, gravity visualization, destiny tuning, affirmations, meditations, mantras, etc?”


Visualization, gravity visualization, destiny tuning, affirmations, meditations, mantras, etc are very similar because fundamentally they are methods of achieving the same thing: getting you into a state of Being that helps you think, plan, decide, and act in a way that gets you what you want in life.

I'm not sure how it is in other parts of the world, but in the USA we are only taught 1 way of division: Long Division.

Yet there are many, many methods and algorithms for diving one number from another. Wikipedia lists 12 of them:

They are all different approaches to achieve the same goal. And all of them arrive at the same answer in the end… as long as you stick to one of them and follow through until the end.

We cannot start out using long division, and half way through switch to Newton-Raphson division. We simply wouldn’t come up with the right answer.

In certain situations, one algorithm is the easiest. In other situations, a different algorithm is the easiest.

The exact same thing is true with visualization, destiny tuning, affirmations, etc. If you follow them and use them from start to finish, you will get the result you want.

All of them will give you the same answer.

Sometimes one is easier than the other. Some of them work well in conjunction with one another, and others don’t.

It all comes down to personal preference and wiring.

Some people imagining with images best. Some people response better to sounds. Some people are better with feelings…

Choose the one that works the best for you and feels the most natural and stick with it.

May you always be in a Prosperous state of Being!
