Dear Practical LOA #8
Dear PLOA: Thank you, but I haven’t gotten any results
Today’s edition of Dear Practical LOA touches on something that many in the family have probably felt at some point in time.
The Practical LOA newsletter is all about empowerment and learning how to change our lives in a positive direction.
But the reality is, some of us don’t see any changes. Or it takes a long time before we begin to see changes.
Today’s question comes from India from a family member who has been with us for a month, is exactly in this situation, and writes:
“I do appreciate your work,,,but it has not made any difference in my life.”
It’s an excellent question because if you don’t see any results, then the entire purpose of the Practical LOA newletter is defeated.
Thanks for your email and for your comment.
The first thing to realize that, it is not MY work that will make a difference in your life, but YOUR work.
I can show you the path, give you guidance, and encourage you to walk down it, but only you can walk your path.
If the materials in the Practical LOA Newsletter have not helped you shift your life, then we must look at the Creation Formula and see where the process has been blocked.
Intention + Attraction + Motion = Creation
Have you set your intention? Are you clear on your desires and dreams? Do you know exactly what you want in equisite detail?
Are you learning and thinking about it all the time? Are you making plans? Have you decided on a particular course?
Are you taking action on that course? Are you getting feedback and learning? Making changes and adjustments based on them?
Take a look at where you're getting hung up.
Once you find your block, it will be much easier to figure out the shift you need in order to make the difference in your life.
Take care and may you make a sudden burst forward!