Emotions Miniseries #8
The Part the MUCKS things up
In the last few editions of the Emotions Miniseries, we’ve been going over the components of emotions.
We learned that our external expressions not only affect how the others in our external world treat us and interact with us, but are the physical manifestations of the energy we broadcast.
We learned that the phenomenology is the driving force behind our broadcasts and shows us not only our alignment, but our blockages and resistance as well.
Today, we’ll focus on the last component of our emotions: interpretation.
Interpretation is important to the LOA because it has the potential, more so than any of the others, to muck everything up.
See Emotions Miniseries #6
Phenomenology |
See Emotions Miniseries #7
Interpretation |
Interpretations (in the context of emotion) are the conclusions drawn by our logical and conscious minds based on the phenomenology and expression of our emotions. Sometimes these conclusions are straight forward and helpful. But often times our emotions are so complex, or we are not completely in touch with the phenomenology, that our conscious minds don't get the complete picture.
Because of this, we often misinterpret why we’re having a particular emotion, come to the wrong conclusion, and take action in the opposite direction of where we want to go.
This is actually where most of the strife within relationships occurs. We misinterpret our emotions, come to wrong conclusions, feel hurt, then take action that moves away from love and harmony rather than towards it.
Because emotion is a subjective experience, that means our interpretations of them are affected by all sorts of external factors including but not limited to mood, temperament, personality, disposition, perceptions, past experiences, expectations, personal and cultural understandings, beliefs specific to a person, emotional memory, and trauma.
Not only that, but we often experience more than one emotion at a time.
The masking and layering of emotions makes it easy for our interpretation to be off. Some emotions are felt much more strongly than others.
For example Anger is extremely powerful and that may be the phenomenology that is focused on in interpretation. But underneath that Anger could be Fear that never gets addressed or acknowledged because it is being eclipsed by the Anger.
In studying the LOA, we learn that we should trust our guts or our instincts.
Being able to trust our guts and our instincts means means being able to filter out the interpretation of our emotions so we can examine and the pure layers of the phenomenology.
That way we can know how well aligned we are and pump up the power of our broadcasts.
As you can see, while emotions are our guidance system that tells us how aligned the thoughts of our minds and the actions of our bodies are with the desires of our spirits, sometimes the signal can get mucked up by our interpretation and expression.
Tomorrow we’ll explore this further and how we can clear the clutter and get listen to our guts.
Until then, when it comes to our emotions, feel more and think less!