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Money Miniseries #8

Stepping Up the Appreciation Game

I’ve been staving off my first cold in years, so I’ve been taking care of myself and got a late start to the email for today. Yes, even qigong instructors, energy experts, healers, and yogis get sick on occasion. We’re all human, and occasional light illness is one of a human experience =)

Because I haven’t been 100%, I debated skipping out, delaying, or changing the topic for today…

But a promise is a promise. And Money Miniseries #8 is yours!

(Thank you for being my motivation today!)

Here we go!

Since we’ve been away from the miniseries for a while, go here to refresh yourself on #7

In the self-employment method of making money, we own our jobs or the process for exchanging skills, time, and labor for money.

In terms of The Tao of Flowing Money, the main difference between employment and self-employment is this:

Rather than our employer appreciating us, it is our clients (or customers if we are retailers). So immediately upstream from us in the flow of appreciation are our clients.

That means if we want to increase our Flow of Money, we need to increase the flow of appreciation in our direction.

So how do we increase flow?

Increasing appreciation is simply a matter of delivering value and solving problems.

For the self-employed that means:
1) Solving problems and delivering value to more people
2) Solving bigger problems and delivering more value to the same people

Whatever service or product you are providing, to flow more appreciation and money, find ways of delivering it to more clients and customers. Or solver bigger, related problems for the clients and customers you already have.

But that’s not all…

Being self-employed is an exciting space because we graduate to more methods of flowing appreciation: Creating and providing opportunities for other people.

It is the beginning stage of outsourcing and employing. Which means you begin to garner the appreciation of not only customers and clients, but that of those you give work to as well.

As a self-employed person, some questions to ask are:

At what stage will I need to outsource? Or outsource more?
When will my I need to hire my first/next employee?

When you’ve hit those marks, you know that you are helping a great deal of people. So many, in fact, that it is beyond your personal capability. You begin to leverage others; their time, their labor, their skills.

You collect the appreciation of those whose problems you are solving with your products and services.

You garner the appreciation of those you employ, whose problem of work and money you are solving.

And your personal Flow of Money increases.

With the New Year coming, think about how you can increase your own flow of appreciation and money.
