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Dear Practical LOA #6

Dear PLOA: I have never felt love

Lately, my introduction of Margie’s Heart Chakra Meditation has stimulated conversation about the benefits of having an open heart chakra, why feeling deeply is important, and ways we can open our hearts.

>>>Get Margie’s Heart Chakra opening meditation here

Yesterday, that conversation reached a new height with one Practical LOA family member’s question. I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a more important question in my life.

“I don't really remember alot from [my childhood], but anger and frustration of things not going my way were the only emotions I could really feel. I would like to know what love actually feels like, but im not sure of how it actually feels since I've never had a relationship before.”

There are few things sadder in our manifestations than being cut off from our feelings and never feeling loved. But what is sadder is that this experience is so common.

So if you have felt this way, or ever do feel this way, know that you are not alone!

And let’s start to Create a new reality full of love.

Dear [XXXXX],

Let's see if we can make a philosophical shift.

There are many types of love and love comes from many places. There is the love in a romantic relationship, the love in a true partnership, the love of a good friend, the love of a true guide and mentor, the love of a mother, father, brother, sister, family, and many more. Each is love, but each is its own flavor of love.

The absolute most important type of love, however, is love of self. You must love yourself.

Do you ever see yourself in the mirror and think "I love you?" Would you date yourself? Would you be friends with yourself if there was a copy? The answer should be yes. Because you will always be with yourself. You will always be by your side. So treat yourself as your best friend and lover.

Console yourself when you are feeling down. Encourage yourself when you make mistakes. Have faith in yourself when you face challenges. Cheer for yourself when you are on your path towards your goals. Do all the things that the ideal friend, parent, sibling, mentor, partner would do for you. Too often we are our own greatest abusers.

Once you start doing this, you will start feeling love from yourself. You will start filling yourself with love.

And when we are full of love, we can begin to love others truly.

When we are not full of love, we only that think we are loving and caring. But underlying each loving act and thought is a beacon that is shouting "Please love me back! Please show fill me with love." This underlying energy keeps us from having what we truly want. We become emotional beggars.

I was a late bloomer myself, not even having my first date until I was 22. And this was the energy that I brought into every single relationship. It made me needy. It made me hyper affectionate. It made me insecure. It made me smother my dates. And it was the reason why each relationship failed, and kept me from ever being truly loved.

When we fill ourselves with love first, we begin to emanate the energy of love. Instead of "Please love me!" we broadcast "You are greatly loved." People are drawn to us. And when we actively love them, they love us back.

Recall the energetic principle "Give and you shall receive." Give first. Then receive. If we want to feel love, then we must give love first. But we cannot truly give love (without the desperate "please love me back!" energy) until we are full of love ourselves.

This principle is why so many people have been drawn to the Practical LOA newsletter. The main purpose for its existence is to give love and help people make Create a better life for themselves. It comes through in my words, consistency, transparency, commitment to recommend only those materials I am confident in, thoroughness, response times. The newsletter actively gives love. I never ask for or expect it in return.

And daily, I am showered by love from readers (Thank you! =))

When you can give and love freely, without need of getting it in return (because you are already filled to the brim with it), then you will be showered with love.

Here's what I suggest:
  1. Since you are unfamiliar - or uncertain of your familiarity - with love, start with admiration. It is a similar energy that you can use as a stepping stone towards love.

    Find people that you admire. Historical figures, celebrities, family, friends. List all that you admire about them.

    Add your own name to that list. Write everything down that you admire about yourself. If you find yourself criticizing somthing about yourself, write that trait down too and start admiring that trait in yourself. Find anything about it worthy of admiration and recognize it.

    Fill yourself with admiration. Bask in it.

  2. Spend time around young children. Unless they are heavily abused, they naturally emanate great love and excitement for all things. Expose yourself to that energy and allow yourself to become sensitive to it. Soon, you will find yourself loving them and loving the part of yourself that is caring and loving towards them. It will plant the seed from which more love can grow.

  3. Do everything that I listed in the previous Dear PLOA. =)

You are greatly loved!