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Money Miniseries #12

The Simple Shift that Changes Lives

Several weeks ago, I shared the story of my greatest failure and darkest period of my life with you. I also shared with you the one simple change that turned that all around.

That same simple change can transform your relationship with money and your life as well.

And that’s the way you Measure Success.

>>>Review the Proper Measure of Success here

We are all taught by society to measure our success in terms of money. Yet what is money and what is success?

Money is simply a vehicle to freedom. Losing sight of that and making money itself becomes our goal leads only to unhappiness and dissatisfaction. We all know stories of the rich and famous and depressed. We weren’t placed on the Earth to chase money and fame.

We were placed on the Earth to achieve Purpose and to Create.

When people seek to get into shape, they often measure their body weight as an indicator for their progress. But how much they weigh isn’t actually what they care about. They care about what they look like – their body shape.

Measuring success by money is the same thing. It may be related to what we want, but it isn’t actually what we want.

So instead of measuring success with money, let’s choose to measure our success with alignment to our Creation and our Purpose.

Fortunately, we have a built in indicator for that: our emotions.

Measuring success in terms of Happiness and smiles, not only measures our alignment with our Creation, but shifts us from operating out of Hording and into operating from flow.

How do we know that?

Simple. The more I give, the more I get!

And the best part…

There are no taxes on smiles!

May your year be filled with you and happiness! If it is, surely you are on the path of success!